Hey, if she can do it I sure can! |
This weights routine in my
Achieving Six-Pack Abs program is going to be broken up into, initially, 12 weeks. Once the first 12 weeks are over I will re-evaluate what I've done.
The name is kind of cheesy and infomercial-ish but the information is really interesting. I plan to do this 12-week program without a gym membership and without taking any supplements. The website recommends all these powders and things that will help burn fat quicker etc.
However, I'm really picky about what I put into my body and I doubt most of that stuff is vegan. Plus, I don't have a gym membership and don't want to purchase one. So I will have to tweak some exercises by making them body weight/free weight friendly.
The main overview of the program is to lift heavy weights. Starting in weeks 1-4 you perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise. Meaning that if you can do more than 12 reps, you need to add more weight and alternatively if you can't do 8 reps you need to take off some weight.
In addition, there is a part of the program called "Stubborn Fat Protocol" which is just a fancy way to say HIIT (high intensity interval training). I plan to do 10-15 minutes of HIIT followed by 15-30 minutes of low-intensity cardio. During weeks 1-4 I will do HIIT twice a week.
On days that I can't run (because of weather, for example) I will incorporate some of the ZuskaLight videos or anything else I find on the web that allows me to do HIIT inside the house.
I also would like to keep up my running endurance. So once or twice a week I will do a normal long run. So anything up to an hour and more. I haven't decided whether I will focus on distance for those runs or not yet.
So here is what a typical week will look like for the month of October:
Tuesday -- weights lower body, long run
Wednesday -- HIIT, abs, back
Thursday -- weights upper body, long run
Friday -- weights lower body, abs, back, some kind of run
Saturday -- HIIT
Sunday -- REST
To give some examples of the types of exercises I will do for the upper body here's a list.
I will be doing modified versions (again, so they are body weight/free weight friendly) of:
- bench press
- bent over barbell row
- dumbbell shoulder press
- skull crushers
- barbell curl
- dips
- pull ups (reverse row instead)
- lateral raises
- tricep push-downs
- cable curls
After the first week, which will be October 7th, I will post a reflection post. Then I will post after each month. The next abdominal picture for my
photo diary will be on October 31st. So I hope to have some improvements!