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I decided a few days after my birthday that I would
cut out all sweets for the entire month of August.
I did it because I felt I had been eating too many lately, and to give myself a challenge.
I say "too many" but I guess everything is relative. No one I know thinks I eat "too many."
However, I felt I was indulging too much so I wanted to make myself more aware of what I was eating.
Today marks 2 weeks and 4 days.
Last night I had a small ice cream bar. So yea, I cheated. I'm not beating myself up about it because I know it's not the end of the world. It just got me thinking.
These two weeks have been long! I haven't craved sweets exactly, but I feel like I've been doing this for at least a month already!
The good thing is that I have super strong willpower.
It's also good that I don't like candy, cake, pie, cupcakes, donuts, cheesecake, cream-filled things...I'm picky. I stick mostly to ice cream and cookies. (Spain doesn't produce any quality cookies, in my opinion.)
However, there are a million and one opportunities to binge on sweets at the in laws. They love sugar!
My husband and I went out with two of our friends last week. We went to my favorite ice cream shop (Piamonte) in Córdoba. A few days later we went with my mother-in-law, brother-in-law and his girlfriend.
Tons of ice cream in my face and I wasn't tempted once.
Last night I just felt like treating myself. So I said, what the heck, and enjoyed my ice cream.
Last year, when I was training, it was a lot easier. I would only eat sweets once a week: either Friday or Saturday. I scheduled them in! When I did eat something I would respect portion sizes.
I was a no-sweet nazi! (That's what my husband liked to call me).
I mention it because I'm not even sure why I did it. It didn't help me run faster, or better, or longer. I have maintained my weight for two years now and have no problem doing it. I'm not on any kind of diet whatsoever.
Sweets are "bad", we should only eat them in moderation, some sweets are worse than others...
We hear this all the time...maybe that's why I did it?
What would happen if I ate sweets everyday?
I, personally, prefer to leave room in my daily caloric intake for something sweet. (Although I don't even pay attention to calories). Not to binge but to have an ice cream, or a baked good or some pudding or whatever I want.
I read a lot of blogs about people who make their own sweets or are really conscious about what sweets they eat. I definitely want to start making my own if just to know what I'm putting in my body. I also enjoy stores like Trader Jo's that have all-natural goodies.
In summary: I'm not sure whether to continue on my no sweet quest, schedule in sweets (meaning once or twice a week allotments), or have something small everyday.
What is the magic answer?
On a side note I got this wine as a going away gift:
Pedro Ximénez: vino dulce de pasas |
It's a sweet, after dinner wine, made from raisins. |
We already have a lot of luggage so there's no way I can bring it with me. It's my favorite Spanish wine, period. So I have about (counting today) 6 days to drink it.
Does that count as a sweet?