I have a MA in journalism from a university based in England, where I lived for a year and a half. I went abroad because I am interested in international relations and working within diverse communities. I also speak Spanish fluently and am learning German. I hope to learn some other useful languages in the future.
It is so important nowadays to be able to interact with people from all over the world.
While studying I married my husband of three years. We came back to his country (Spain) where we are currently living until we decide our next move.
Writing for me is therapy, so is anything related to health and fitness. I have dabbled in personal training by helping family and friends get in shape or get back into shape. I love it! I have also worked as a personal trainer in a professional capacity—I mean getting paid!
In a perfect world, I’d be able to be both a personal trainer and a journalist, which I do now, but get paid to do it! That’s the goal. For now, I am content with sharing my experiences with anyone who will listen.
Enjoy the journey and join in!
Feel free to contact me anytime at: nonataylor@gmail.com with questions, concerns, post ideas...anything!