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I've been reflecting lately on my injury last year. Not for any particular reason except that is was an important obstacle in my life. I have always been able to exercise when I wanted and how long I wanted; but not then.
Sure there were times when I chose not to exercise but this injury made it impossible. I was physically unable to engage in physical activity.
This was a crucial moment for me.
I have learned a lot from that experience and work everyday not to commit the same mistakes. I want to share the process I went through from injury to recovery to running again.
Understanding the Ailment
Once I was past the denial stage, meaning I accepted that I was injured, I researched all I could about my particular injury. This was partly to make sure I did not aggravate it and slow down recovery and partly to see how long this recovery would take.
Most of my research was online. Based on my particular symptoms I realized I was suffering from a common, overuse injury called
illiotibial band syndrome (IT band syndrome). I read up on what that meant to my body, how it was caused and how to treat it.
This was a two-part process because I had to learn how to cope with my injury mentally and physically. As I said above, I researched how to treat it. The best "medicine" for this type of injury is rest. I had to stop running altogether for at least 3 months. I incoporated
useful stretches for the IT band into my routine. When I was able I also incorporated leg exercises.
For a full month I did no exercise, nothing. This was hard for me to deal with mentally because just a week ago I was training for a marathon! I was running 4 times a week and weight training twice a week. I went from a highly active lifestyle to a non active lifestyle in a span of days. I didn't stop running gradually because I wanted to get better fast and because I was in serious pain.
I realized that I had hurt myself a week before but I was in denial. Instead of resting, maybe taking a couple of days off, I ran 18 miles. I had to stop at mile 16 because I was limping from the pain.
The next morning I could barely walk. I mean with every step I was in excruciating pain. This lasted for a week and then the pain subsided. However, I knew I had to be smart. So I just stopped cold turkey. This was the best thing for me to do physically but mentally I was a mess.
I had incredible mood swings. I would restrict my diet because I was afraid that I would gain weight. I thought, if I gained weight, it would be even harder for me to get back into shape once my 3 month hiatus was over.
I would see people running in the street and get incredibly jealous. I was mad, depressed, and overall disappointed in myself. How could I have gotten injured? What was wrong with me? Did I know anything?
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A friend of mine is a psychologist. One day, talking casually, she introduced me to visualization. She told me to visualize my route. To think about the smells when I run, the sounds, the sights and how my body feels during a run.
She encouraged me to run in my mind. It may sound strange but it was helpful. I would sit outside, or sometimes in my room and just close my eyes. Sometimes I would think about a particuarly satisfying run that I'd done in the past. Or invent an entirely new one.
It was great becasue I was able to satisfy my mind while protecting my body.
After that tumultuous month was over I slowly started getting in shape again. Nothing too taxing on my body though. I would stretch everyday, do some leg exercises to strengthen my IT band and also abs. I also rode my static bike. Soon my 3 months were over.
When To Go Back Out There
As I said the normal recovery time for this type of injury is 3 months. Of course I listened to my body. I was itching to go back out there and run but I was afraid to run. I was afraid that I would start running and that pain in my IT band would resurface and then the entire cycle would start up again.
I was deathly afraid of this. I almost didn't go out there and run, almost but not quite.
I started with running 15 minutes the first day. I warmed up on the static bike for 10 minutes first. Then I
stretched for 10 minutes paying extra attention to my injured area.
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Instead of running right away, I walked for about 10 minutes or so then started running. I ran at a leisurely pace. I ran even slower than my long run pace.
I ran the slowest I have ever run.
After my 15 minutes I cooled down by walking 10 minutes and then repeated my stretching routine.
I made sure to run on dirt roads at first and to avoid hills until I felt strong enough. I ran a total of twice a week at the beginning and would increase my time by 5 minutes each week.
Not until I reached 30 minutes of running without stopping did I increase to 3 times a week. When I reached 45 minutes I incorporated hill work and started running on asphalt surfaces.
The question: When to go back out there? Is a complicated one. All I can say is to take it slow. You don't want setbacks. You want to get injury free as soon as possible and stay that way.
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Self-treatment vs. Hospital Care
Throughout my injury and recovery process I pretty much self-treated. Based on my pain and the nature of my injury I did not feel like I needed to go to the hospital right away.
I gave myself until the 3 month recovery was over to see the doctor. If I wasn't fine by then, and if my leg acted up again while running, I would see the doctor in case I had a more serious injury.
Luckily, in my case, I just needed to rest and to take care of myself and not push myself too hard. I was a beginner runner acting like I wanted to qualify for the Olympics! Of course I was going to hurt myself. So I say self-treatment is good up to a point.
Obviously you know your body better than any doctor. You know if an injury requires more than homecare or not.
If you are in extreme pain and normal anti-inflammatory/pain medication does nothing than maybe you need to see a doctor.
Some injuries do require surgery so keep that in mind as well. Be smart and don't be afraid to get help if you find you need it.
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Writing this it seems like the time went by in a flash.
But it was super long!
Okay, it was only 3 months. However, I didn't start training again until June.
So from December 2010 to June 2011 I was MIA.
The amount I ran after those 3 months was nothing compared to my training.
Three weeks into my training now I can tell how out of shape I am!
Yet, I'm wiser for the experience and determined to run my first marathon more than ever!
Stay tuned for a future post on my 1-month marathon training update.